Wow! First things first, 1 entry in about 2 weeks in a row! Haha! Usually it's like 1 entry in like a month! Sorry, just had to point that out! LOL.. Cause some of my friends always say I don't update my blog =P Anyway, moving along:

As the name says, I went to the Arthur's Day event yesterday night in Sunway Lagoon Surf Beach. That was the first time I went back to Sunway Lagoon in like maybe 10 years and actually have always wanted to go back and play because apparently it has gotten better over the years with more things opened up - as to what, I'm not sure. Anyway, not like I was a Guinness fan, but I am kinda a BEP fan I guess. Their songs are nice and catchy and always something nice to dance too!
I got there at about 9ish. The party was meant to start at 8pm. BEP came out at about 10.30pm and lasted all the way to the about midnight. Will I Am is seriously the bomb! He's amazing! I think by far the best part of the performance because he did his little DJ solo in the middle of the act! All in all, think they sang about close to 10 songs? I know this cause I was having a little bet with my BF this morning and obviously I won! Haha.. :P
Oh! Speaking of this morning! I went for paintball in Xtion Paintball in Bukit Jalil! Haven't played in about 2 - 3 years maybe? Pretty good. Managed to scrape home with only 1 noticeable paintball hit! And out of 5 games, I managed to capture the flag back for the team! We ended up playing about 5 games and paid about 60 bucks - pretty good deal if you ask me. But that's cause we had 2 pros that came with us and they had brought their own paintballs and spared theirs to our group, which was pretty nice of them! So - thanks to them! (Not like they are going to check this anyway - LOL) If you guys are interested in going, here's the link to the website:
5:17 PM |
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