Been wanting to blog for the past few days but somehow I always end up doing something else. Hehe.. Anyway, here I am now.. =) Something for my dear friend to read once she gets back from OBS! Haha!

For those who don't know, I turned the BIG 2-4 on the 19th of May. There wasn't any big celebrations but it was still a good one! :D Got plenty and plenty of msges wishing me me "Happy Birthday". My boss paid for my lunch, my department bought me a cake (chocolate banana - yum yum!! Haven't had that in a while) PLUS decorated my table!! And lastly went for dinner with friends - nice food and great company! Here are some of the photos from the night:

Me and BK were told to look happy.. we ended up looking crazy! LOL.. :D

Group photo without Nick. Thanks for the photo Nick!

BK looking ravishing, Mun Yee, Kebs trying to act cute, and Nick at the back.

Me and the Ah Pek - LOL!
Speaking of chocolate banana cake, I think the last time I had it was probably back in high school and maybe ONCE a coupla years back when I was for holiday. I got scared of the cake after one auspicious year where me and my friend celebrated our birthdays together. His birthday was on the 18th of May. If I was not mistaken, this took place in Form 4 where secret recipe just came out and it was the craze and hype of the time. Everyone was buying cakes from there if there was any sort of occasion and everyone bought the chocolate banana cake because it was so yummy! That year, we decided to get my friend (BK) one of those cakes. We forced a big portion of it down his throat because it was kinda of a tradition where the birthday boy/girl gets the biggest slice. As for me, I loved the cake so much, I just decided on my own free will to cut a slightly bigger piece for myself. The next day, my friends thought that it would be funny to buy the exact SAME cake to celebrate my birthday! Because they themselves were sick of the cake, they decided that me and BK (since his b'day was the day before) should have a QUARTER (I shit you not - it was a QUARTER of the cake) of the cake EACH while everyone else shared half the cake, which by the way they didn't finish while everyone MADE us finish ours. Me and BK got so sick after that, that I don't think he's even had a slice of the cake since. =)
8:03 AM |
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Comments (2)
aww.. wish i was there to celebrate with you!
will be going to laser tag on the 4th July.. pls come! hehe
anyway, you're looking fresh and vibrant! beautiful!
ps. i can only comment as an anonymous/name person. but thats ok :)
oh.. it let me post using my google account this time. oops :P