It's been 2 weeks since my last post. Alot of things have happened since then. Some good, some bad, some I don't know what to do.
My "good" thing would be going to the Lee Hom concert! I have now officially gone head over heels over him. I've downloaded all of this most recent albums dating back to 2001 (I think - can't remember now). I have googled images of him and even created a little album on Facebook just about it. I have also youtube'd him the whole night! Haha..
The concert was SOOOO good! The sound was good, the effects was good, the music was good, his voice was good, his face is even better! Haha! It's one of those concerts where you know he's not lip-synching because he changes the tunes and tempo to some of his songs! He played the guitar, violin and the piano! Omg.. I nearly died when he came out with the Violin! Oh! I nearly died when he was playing the piano and singing the songs I really loved as well! Gah.. screw it! I just nearly died the whole concert! hahaa.. :P I would have put a picture of his concert poster but I thought that picture wouldn't do him justice as to how good looking he is! Haha.. Oh yeah, he had like 4 HUGE ASS portable LED screen which they focused on him pretty much 70% of the time I think? They would also create different effects on the screen! Gah! All in all, just a super good concert!
Oh, I have to quote one of my friend's sayings during out crazy aftermath of the concert. You guys might not think it's funny but it really cracked me up so bad when I read it. So, I was just talking to my friend who went with me to the concert abt all the crazy stuff we've been doing for the past coupla days (everything Lee Hom) and out of the blue she says this "we were not even major fans before this!!! now it's like we've converted into another religion!" HAHAHAHA..! This other quote was when I told her I found this chiq who blogged about going to the Lee Hom after party but didn't/couldn't take a photo with him due to some reasons I can't remember. She then said this, "Shit! I'm going to attack him if I see him!" LOL! tsk tsk.. violent chiq isn't she?! Haha...
Oh, and lastly, I got offered a job today. Something I wouldn't mind doing for once! The pay isn't good.. it's quite low actually but at least it's a start into what I would like to try and do! Apparently the pay will go up after probation as well! So yea! It's for a media firm doing digital advertising? Haha.. I've told my parents SOOO many times what I'll be doing that I can't be bothered typing it here again now. I'll give you guys more details when I start working! I actually had another interview with another company but that company has been screwing me over to many times that I seriously can't be bothered waiting anymore. What if I don't get the job in the end? Although that company does have a better package.. *shrugs* meh.. i can't do anything now.. already accepted the 1st one.. and I'll be starting on the 18th! I better enjoy the last few days of freedom!
Eyes are closing on me. Feel kinda lethargic.. Haha, think it was from my run in the evening! Did 9kms today! Woohoo!! but still not enough. I have a 15km run next weekend!! Wish me luck! :D Nite everyone.. =)
My "good" thing would be going to the Lee Hom concert! I have now officially gone head over heels over him. I've downloaded all of this most recent albums dating back to 2001 (I think - can't remember now). I have googled images of him and even created a little album on Facebook just about it. I have also youtube'd him the whole night! Haha..

Oh, I have to quote one of my friend's sayings during out crazy aftermath of the concert. You guys might not think it's funny but it really cracked me up so bad when I read it. So, I was just talking to my friend who went with me to the concert abt all the crazy stuff we've been doing for the past coupla days (everything Lee Hom) and out of the blue she says this "we were not even major fans before this!!! now it's like we've converted into another religion!" HAHAHAHA..! This other quote was when I told her I found this chiq who blogged about going to the Lee Hom after party but didn't/couldn't take a photo with him due to some reasons I can't remember. She then said this, "Shit! I'm going to attack him if I see him!" LOL! tsk tsk.. violent chiq isn't she?! Haha...
Oh, and lastly, I got offered a job today. Something I wouldn't mind doing for once! The pay isn't good.. it's quite low actually but at least it's a start into what I would like to try and do! Apparently the pay will go up after probation as well! So yea! It's for a media firm doing digital advertising? Haha.. I've told my parents SOOO many times what I'll be doing that I can't be bothered typing it here again now. I'll give you guys more details when I start working! I actually had another interview with another company but that company has been screwing me over to many times that I seriously can't be bothered waiting anymore. What if I don't get the job in the end? Although that company does have a better package.. *shrugs* meh.. i can't do anything now.. already accepted the 1st one.. and I'll be starting on the 18th! I better enjoy the last few days of freedom!
Eyes are closing on me. Feel kinda lethargic.. Haha, think it was from my run in the evening! Did 9kms today! Woohoo!! but still not enough. I have a 15km run next weekend!! Wish me luck! :D Nite everyone.. =)
10:45 PM |
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