Monday, 28th March 2011

About 2 weeks ago, on a Thursday, dad suddenly decided to uproot the whole family to go to Penang during the weekend for my grandma's birthday. I was actually kinda lazy to go cause if we went, it was going to be only for a day (ie. fly in Sat and come back on Sun). Anyway, decided to go anyway, which was a good thing because it turned out that my my grandmother was turning 90! Something my dad forgot to mention! Yes yes - I know, I guess I should have gone anyway even if she wasn't turning 90 but hey! 90 is a good age! And that deserve celebrating!

Anyhow, we flew down by Firefly. Was kinda surprised with them and their timing actually. Have heard many stories that actually delayed a flight for more than 12 hours before! But when we went, our flight took off on the dot. But when we came back, flight was actually delayed for 30 mins, but yet, we still managed to arrive about 10mins later than original. So ya!

Anyway, this was actually going to be my first time on a Firefly airplane so I was kinda excited to see the propellers! So, as jakun as I am, I HAD to take some photos as I was walking to the plane. :P

The flight there was terrible! I don't know if it was because it was a really misty day or what. But I swear, at 1 point, I really thought the plane was going to crash! *choi choi*. Shouldn't be saying things like this! The turbulence was just terrible! And when we landed? Oh emmm efff geee... :S

Nothing happened to us of course, if not I wouldn't have been able to eat / take pictures of the delicious char kuey teow below. Both taken from 2 different places. Don't ask me how to get there because I wouldn't have a clue. Had 2 meals (not including grandma's dinner) and I had char kuey teow for both. I don't know why, but somehow Penang manages to cook the yummiest char kuey teow eva! It just taste so different to the one in KL!

P/s: Sorry, it's past midnight and I had forgot to rotate the photo beforehand and am kinda lazy to do so now. :P 
Bro and dad had a gala time, they pretty much ordered like an extra serving each meal to go around and share. Above is a photo of Hokkien mee. Also pretty good if you asked me. Need to make eating trips down to Penang more often! Hehehe..

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