Well well, for those who read my last entry, they might be thinking how crazy I was. Because when I told other people, most of the responses I got would go something like this: "you're mad" or "I would even be at work right now", or (this is my favourite) "I would have died... how are you still standing" - Haha! Well, truth be told, I literally died the week after. I was surprisingly fine on Monday except that I think I came home from work and just crashed for the night. But on Tuesday, haha! Now, this is where all the excitement began. LOL!

Actually, no wait! I remember now. On Monday, I actually started to feel my throat getting a little scratchy. But I drowned myself with water that day and surprisingly by the end of the day, my throat seemed fine. Then, I was meant to go out for dinner with friends to eat some really good Selayang prawns. I was going to FFK them because there was just too much work for me to do but in the end, got pulled out to go with them. The prawns though.. OMG.. *drool*, they are to-die-for, and in my case, I literally died after that. They were fried with sugar, and get this, FRIED CARAMALISED SUGAR! The amount of oil in the plate made it look like soup but oh boy, was the "soup" yummy! All you had to do was just mix that with rice and you're set!

The next day, my throat started itching again. My boss told me to g oand see the doctor because she said that she can't afford me getting sick - so I went. He gave me an MC but I still left the office at about 5.30pm. The next day, I got worse. Started to get a fever, was meant to go home on time, but ended up in the office till 8.30 and was meant to go home... but ended up going to pasar malam.. LOL! The next day, I really felt like crap, and I asked if I could go home at about 10ish and so I did. came home, rested, and at about 3ish, my boss called to tell me that someone at a company we went too for meeting had a confirm case of H1N1 and she was getting worried I had it too and made me go get tested. I went to Pantai, but they said I could only get tested in general hospitals. So, I waited for my mum and sister to get home and they took me to UM.

We got there at about 6ish. Seriously, this was the most painful process I had to go through. I first had WAIT to tell this nurse how I was feeling and only then would she enter my name into the system for me to REGISTER to see a doctor. Then, I had to WAIT to get registered. Then only was I allowed to wait to be consulted. I had to WAIT to see the nurse, which took me less than 5 mins cause all she did was take my tempreture, pulse, and blood pressure. Then I had to WAIT to see the doctor, at which she only asked me a series of questions and classified me a "low risk" and didn't even want to test me even after insisting. She then prescribed me some medication which I had to go and pay AT the register counter, then go to the pharmarcy and then WAIT again for my medication to be done. Far out, by the time I was done, it was close to midnight! I hadn't even eaten dinner yet! I was telling my sis and mum, even if I DIDN'T have H1N1, I would have probably contracted it from someone who has there. And the amount of time spent there, I think if I spent it at home sleeping, I would have probably gotten better faster! Haha!

Anyways, here are some photos my sister took of me while waiting cause she got bored. LOL! Hmm.. something seems to be wrong with my comp.. the photos don't seem to be uploading.. oh wells! I will try again next time.. =)

Comments (1)

On August 16, 2009 at 11:00 AM , Unknown said...

You're mad.


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